Thursday, August 29, 2013

Duplicating Restaurant Sauces Yields Great Results

By Prudence Hilburn
Halifax Media Group

How many times have you returned to a favorite restaurant because you liked their special sauce, condiment or salad dressing? There's no need to ask for those “secret” recipes, because they are carefully guarded.

From time to time, readers will ask if I can duplicate certain recipes they have tasted in restaurants.
Sometimes I can come close, but there have been some I have not yet mastered.

One of my grandsons likes a certain dip for chicken fingers that is served at an area fast food restaurant. I tasted it and decided to see how close I could come to it. After my grandson tasted my new Cajun dip, he said it was very close to the one at the restaurant. He added that my version is even a little better. He knows how to thrill a grandmother's heart — just brag on the food.

My great-grandson likes honey mustard dip with his chicken fingers, so when I know he is coming over, I make a simple dip by combining ½ cup of mayonnaise with ¼ cup of honey and 1 teaspoon (or more) of Dijon mustard.He let me know he would rather have it than the “bought” kind.

Years ago, I was asked to see if I could duplicate a dressing served at a restaurant in the Birmingham, Ala., area. All the information we could get from the waitress was that it had honey, mustard and lemon in it. I was very pleased with my experiment and am still using this same recipe for Honey Dijon Dressing. If you are planning to serve a salad at your Labor Day cookout, this would be a good dressing to use.

If coleslaw is on the menu, a dressing my husband and I enjoyed at a seafood restaurant many years ago will please the palates of family and guests. After we tasted this special dressing, I decided to see what I could do with that idea. I seemed to detect a hint of fruit flavor in this dressing, so I added just a little apple juice, and it worked great. I call this my Johnny Appleseed Dressing.

After duplicating the coleslaw dressing and a favorite potato soup my husband liked from another restaurant, I decided to slow down on the experiments because it seemed when I duplicated those recipes, we didn't go out to eat as often!

Cajun Dip for Chicken Fingers

1 cup mayonnaise
2 tablespoons chili sauce

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