Sunday, July 21, 2013

Keeping A Positive Attitude In Business

Keeping a positive attitude in business is sometimes tuff. But the reasons why people go into business for
themselves are the same. Time to raise your own children instead of baby sitters. Time to spend with the person you love and often marry, Places to see, adventures to go on, accomplishment, wealth...VICTORY! That’s why I did it.. What’s your reason???

Like many people I went to school got a degree went to work for a big corporation, married, had three children and bought a house...the American dream , right? Then suddenly my wife, Joy, got sick and died. Yep just that quick. It was a loss that almost destroyed me. But instead she became my catalyst to going into business for all the reasons I stated above.

 When Joy passed I was left with three small children, one was only an infant. I was working a fourteen hour a day career in the financial industry working with the now debunked Shearson Leman Brothers and doing quite well. I was 33ish nearing a six figure income at the time of her illness and death. But now, I had to make some critically important decisions that would totally change my life. Never was a positive attitude in business going to be more important then it was about to be.

My first venture into the business world was as an independent business consultant. I learned that my business degree meant very little in the real world of entrepreneurship. I had to develop some skills and mental toughness I didn't know I had in me at the beginning. But a widowed father with three young children was a huge incentive. I did well and managed to build my client base up so that I was again creating a very decent living.

One day some one ask me if that was hard, I answered, "does the hard concern you?" they replied "yes" to which I ask "does it concern you more than poverty?" One of the things to keep in mind in maintaining your positive attitude in business is what concerns you most...winning or losing? I had three small children depending on me, losing was not an option and hard was not an impediment. 

Since then I've built and sold two other small for profit businesses...S&W Group Homes Inc and Genies Domestic Services Inc and one non profit agency called No More Empty Shelves. I currently own and operate Vermilion Pralines, a specialty online store specializing in the sale of a confection called pralines.

Over the years as the internet has changed the business environment I have expanded my business acumen. I noticed early on that the internet would totally revolutionize the way we do business. On the internet there are two important disciplines you must develop... traffic and conversion. In all my business success I've learned one important lesson "CHOOSE GREAT INTERNET COACHES!!" True to that philosophy I've had the good fortune of keeping an open mind and choosing great coaches.

After all, in business and in life there are only two things you have to master to live a healthy, wealthy, happy life..."your own attitude and some professional know how". But of the two...I've learned that the one that determines your success or failure is definitely a positive ATTITUDE IN BUSINESS!

"I love working with people who have decided to make their lives a success. People who push the envelope, who have chosen to love deeply, work heroically, strive valiantly, laugh loudly and play intensely... Who drink fully from the cup of life. Because in the end its not what we accumulate that matters...But Who We have Become In The Effort!!!"

Marion Douglas 

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